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HELMEPA, HIMT and Elefsis port Authority ​join forces for Safe Operations at Sea & Port facilities


ANC's Designated Person Ashore (DPA) and Chief Safety Officer (CSO), Mr. Georgousopoulos, who is also a member of H.I.M.T (Hellenic Institute of Maritime Technology) organization, played an active role in a significant seminar focused on "Safe Operations at Sea and Port Facilities". This informative forum was jointly organized by HELMEPA (Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association), H.I.M.T and the Port Authorities of Elefsis.

Mr. Georgousopoulos made a noteworthy presentation during the seminar, sharing valuable insights and expertise regarding safe practices in maritime operations and port facilities. His participation exemplified ANC's commitment to promoting and ensuring safety across the maritime industry.

The collaboration between HELMEPA, H.I.M.T, and the Port Authorities of Elefsis in co-arranging this forum demonstrates their collective dedication to enhancing safety standards and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in both sea and port operations.

ANC takes pride in Mr. Georgousopoulos's active involvement and contribution to this seminar, as it reflects our organization's unwavering commitment to promoting safe practices, protecting the environment, and collaborating with esteemed industry organizations to drive positive change in the maritime sector.


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